Our Final Day in Yurimaguas

Yurimaguas, Peru | Day 4 | February 19, 2024

It’s Not a Goodbye but a See You Soon

Our final day in Yurimaguas was filled with heartfelt goodbyes between our Impact Trip participants and our gracious hosts. It also featured the two things which have defined our trip thus far: service and sport!

The good news is this is just the beginning of continued impact in Yurimaguas. TeamUp has launched an official partnership in the town, where we will continually assist in the development of sports programs, leadership training, and overall community development to better impact the lives of kids, families & communities for the long-term.

100 Girls & Future Stars Participated in TeamUp Sports Clinic

After the team finished painting over concrete steps and lines at the local community sports court, they helped run a sports clinic for a whopping 100 soccer-loving young girls in an effort to promote and advance women’s soccer in Peru. TeamUp’s ethos of fostering life-changing opportunities through sports will continue to be at the forefront of enabling brighter futures for these young girls and kids across Yurimaguas.

River Cruise to Cap Off a Wonderful Experience in Yurimaguas

Before departing Yurimaguas, the team experienced a unique cruise down the local Huallaga River.

The Spartans’ next stop is a three-hour bus drive away from Yurimaguas in nearby Tarapoto, where they will be looking to continue making an impact through service and soccer!

Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024

✍️ Sacha Mugisha

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Photo credits: Elijah Croyle & Kate Roxburgh

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